: Non-static method Falang::translateList() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
: Non-static method FalangManager::getInstance() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
: Non-static method Falang::translateListWithIDs() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in
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/home/fundacij/public_html/components/com_falang/helpers/falang.class.php on line
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/home/fundacij/public_html/components/com_falang/helpers/falang.class.php on line
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/home/fundacij/public_html/administrator/components/com_phocagallery/libraries/phocagallery/path/path.php on line
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On behalf of the Fundation Tramp located in Ljubljana, Slovenia I would like to express our interest in collaborating with organization/schools as well as to suggest partnership in project proposals you might have under the Erasmus + Programme.
Fundation Tramp is a non-profit organization, established in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Our organization undertakes activities for public benefit focusing on issues related to regional development, education, innovation, achievement and implementation of EU targets, as well as improving the social conditions in our country.
I aslo representative schools:
1. The school of Agriculture
the biotech Gymnasium
the School of Catering and Tourism
higher professional school
since 1886
501 to 1000 students, age 16-21
2. secondary technical and vocational school
higher professional school
since 1948
501 to 1000 students, age 16-21
3. School of Economics
Since 1936
501 to 1000 students, age 16-19
Through the time we have successfully worked in different European Union funded projects, as well as with national projects in the spheres of education, transfer of innovation, vocational training, dissemination, partnership and others. Our experienced staff includes researchers, trainers and teachers, managers and IT specialists. Our activities are mainly concentrated in the following directions, relevant to EU Erasmus + priorities:
- Facilitating the validation of non-formal and informal learning and its permeability with formal education pathways. Our organization works to promote professional development of staff and youth workers in ICT methodologies. Fundation Tramp promotes entrepreneurship education in order to develop active citizenship, employability and new business creation (including social entrepreneurship).
- Development and implementation of new learning and teaching methods (like new multidisciplinary curricula responding to the needs of labor market, learner-centered and real problem-based teaching and learning). Participation in peer learning and mutual learning activities through thematic working groups. In our projects we have been working to create new learning opportunities through the development and practical application of entrepreneurial skills. In our activities we support national policy reforms (e.g. building national networks and coalitions of interested groups). We are also working on raising awareness campaigns promoting the benefits of learning both for individuals, the economy, and society.
- Implementation of innovative VET teaching and learning methods in order to respond to evolving skills and/or specific target public. In our work we are aiming to establish cross-sector cooperation for exchanging experiences and best practices between organisations, to develop, test and validate of new teaching methods or innovative pedagogical approaches. Integration of innovative approaches for teaching and learning, notably through more strategic and integrated use of ICTs and open educational resources (OER), as well as including opportunities to apply knowledge in practical projects/"real life" workplace situations.
We will be very glad if we can participate together with your organisation in a new project or under re-submission project. We are ready to provide any additional help or information related to our activities. If you need any additional information, please visit our web-site: www.fundacijatramp.si or contact us on:
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Zadnja posodobitev Četrtek, 04 Februar 2016 10:36
Zadetkov: 2059
Univ. dipl. nem. Karin Črepinko
tel.: +386 31 561-892
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Karin Črepinko, univ. dipl. nemcistka, je aktivna na različnih področjih. Od leta 2009 je zaposlena na Nemški gospodarski zbornici. Svojo poslovno pot je pričela na oddelku sejmov, pri organizaciji mednarodnih sejmov, pomoči pri pripravi marketinških strategij in planov aktivnosti, načrtovanju, organiziranju in izvajanju aktivnosti na področju raziskave tržišča ter na področju sodelovanja z domačimi in tujimi agencijami.
Svojo karierno pot je v okviru Slovensko-nemške gospodarske zbornice nadaljevala na področju event managementa, kjer se lahko pohvali z organizacijo preko 30 raznovrstnih dogodkov na leto. Samo v preteklem letu se je njenih dogodkov udeležilo preko 900 oseb iz poslovnega sveta. Svojo kariero pa ni gradila samo na gospodarskem področju, kjer si je ustvarila številna poznanstva in renome, ampak tudi na področju nevladnih organizacij, kjer je že izpeljala svoje prve projekte, kot je npr. Odprimo vrata prihodnosti in pomoč pri promociji socialnega podjetništva. Kot ambasadorka Fundacije Tramp (ustanova za izobraževanje) je povezala uspešna slovenska in nemška podjetja, univerzo v Ljubljani in študente z namenom medsebojnega spoznavanja in dolgoročnega načrtovanja zaposlitve.
Prav tako aktivno sodeluje tudi v Slovenskem Združenju managerk in managerjev nevladnih organizacij, kjer je postala vodja projektov in dogodkov. Ravno na zadnjem področju tke nove vezi z ostalimi institucijami in organizacijami s področja EU na področju prenosa znanj in dobrih praks.
Karin Črepinko odlikuje velika mera pristnega veselja do dela z ljudmi in učenja. Na poslovni poti sledi vrednotam, kot so proaktivnost, samoiniciativnost in ciljna orientiranost. Ko se loteva novih projektov, vedno gleda z vidika »kaj lahko ponudi in ne kaj lahko dobi«.
Zadnja posodobitev Sreda, 05 Marec 2014 16:23
Zadetkov: 16281